Facebook App Review Deadlines Approaching

Facebook App Review Deadlines Approaching

You have 8 days to submit your apps for App Review to retain access to Facebook Platform APIs before the August 1, 2018 deadline.

After the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal, Facebook has started a series of breaking changes to improve data protection and focus on the advertisement business.

Until now, only the new Apps have been required to approve the App Review. Before August, ALL apps must apply for an App Review to retain the current permissions. 

  • August 1, 2018: deadline to re-request: Facebook Login permissions outside of email and default; access to Pages API, Groups API, Events API, Messenger API, Instagram API, and Business Manager API. Reference:  App Review Deadlines Approaching

Technically, the Facebook platform has not changed, so there is no immediate need to upgrade the sites. However, Facebook is going to require the approval of each use case to access the platform services. The approval process takes time; we recommend submitting the App Review in the next days.

To help you in the task at hand, we have prepared this detailed tutorial with the sum of experiences submitting App Reviews.

Be sure to prepare the materials required in the App Review with the latest AutoTweet or Joocial versions; they contain minor Facebook branding adjustments to comply with the requirements.

Should you have additional concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Valid until 15th August 

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